LuxeAlly Real Estate

Will San Diego luxury real estate need international buyers in 2023?

How to access international real estate buyers for San Diego luxury homes

For potential home-sellers, the divide between familiarity and success can be a tough line to toe. While it’s natural to gravitate towards friends, neighbors or family members who could potentially represent your property in real estate matters – is that good enough? Is there more you should consider before making such an important decision? Absolutely. 

In times of real estate success, it’s often about who you know. Whether that be an old friend or colleague from the gym – perhaps even somebody from your own family! But what happens when buyers become hard to find? How can we bridge our schmoozing alliances with agents who have access and resources? 

San Diego’s housing market was a seller’s paradise

In 2021, San Diego was in a real estate frenzy as buyers rushed for their dream homes. However, two years later and the market seems to have shifted as a result of higher interest rates combined with weak economic vibes. Despite these conditions being difficult for most Realtors in the area; this is an opportunity LuxeAlly has been anticipating! 

Sellers can still find success even during trying times

Jeff Toth LuxeAlly and Brett Dickson Compass

Selling a luxury home in San Diego in 2023 takes more than just personal connections to be successful. Networking and referrals form the foundation of success – but truly excelling requires creativity, experience, and access to an even higher level network with global reach.

Leveraging 15 years of international luxury real estate marketing experience working alongside high profile agents and brokers at Caimeiju 采美居 , LuxeAlly Real Estate was created so as to open up doors for clients that even established local San  Diego players can’t access. 

Dubai Real Estate License | Marketing San Diego Real Estate on Chinese Real Estate Channel

It is clear: in order to succeed in luxury real estate you must know rich people…but they don’t always have to live down the road! 

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  Contact us for a confidential consultation. 


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